301 221 2219 info@sunrisecaribbeandc.com
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  • About US

    Serving up healthy living, one dish
    at a time.

    Yes, it’s a bold but well-founded assertion. Our united, delighted appreciation of food is our society at its simplest and most artless. Where there be food, there we go. There’s always talk about the diversity and complexity of the country: ethnicity, religion, politics. If there’s something that really holds us together though, it is our love of food. That’s what makes the food so varied, and so good!

    Only Natural


    The most significant spice was curry. Like stews, any type of meat can be curried and is eaten mostly with roti in their many variations (paratha, dhalphourie, dosti)

    What Makes Us


    Everybody eats; we are no different: but some of our favorites may be unfamiliar, or variations on a theme, passed through the history of this country and adapted to the particular conditions of the Caribbean, where is it difficult to simply mimic the great cuisines of Africa, Europe, India and the Middle East.



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    See Our


    There isn’t much, food-wise, Trinidad won’t try to load into a cooler or onto a grill and sell on the side of the road

    Curry Goat $ 19

    King Fish $ 15

    Jerk Chicken $ 15

    Beef Pattie $ 5

    Your choice of Beef/Chicken/Vegan/Shrimp

    Oxtail Dinner $ 25

    Curry Potato & Channa $ 16

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